scottish country dance database

free my.strathspey Dance descriptions are not generally catalogued in the online databases, and generally are obtained from original (published) sources. Terms Diagrams links to a list of the 100+ diagrams used in the Dictionary part of this website to illustrate technical terms. If a dance is not listed in these index pages, we don't have any form of written instructions for it; however, we may have a Crib Diagram or a Video which can be found via the buttons on the right side navigation bar near the top. Whether you join a local Branch or the RSCDS as a whole, you can benefit from a range of discounts and exclusive deals, as well as helping the continuation of the Dance Scottish tradition. We try to give enough detail in MaxiCribs so that the average dancer who has not previously met the dance can readily understand it and perform it at a Ball. There are RSCDS Branches worldwide where you can find a class, click here. When reading a diagram, note that it is drawn with respect to the men's side, or the man's point of view as he stands in the set. favourite dances. The typical compiler of a dance programme usually had recourse only to dance cribs produced by other compilers for their own events; s/he then had either to reword these to be consistent in style or risk confusing the dancer with the inconsistencies. It is intended to cover English (Traditional/Ceilidh and Playford) and American Contra/Traditional Squares. The Intercity Scot Onlineoffers information about other SCD events in North America. Scotland is alive with traditional dancing. As updates may have occurred, please click the dance description to be forwarded to a printable dance description or one of the official reference sources. the Type of set and the number of dancers needed for the Full set; His diagrams are incorporated into the appropriate dance instructions page, indexed through this page; these are also separately indexed through the similar Crib Diagrams page which also includes those dances for which crib diagrams are available but no written instructions. Also, It has been adapted slightly in the meantime.) MiniCrib uses the terms Third corner and Fourth corner whereas MaxiCrib uses Partner's first corner and Partner's second corner. If you are interested in SCD List of Scottish country dances. The victim was taken to the Countess of Chester Hospital for treatment and was said to be in a critical . hosting it on his server. You may then discover that the definition refers to a closely associated term. Some devisors have made special repositories online for their dances. >> us improve the database. Ipswich Anglo Scottish 60th Anniversary Dance. Emerald City. Look up Scottish Country Dance cribs, create lists Every dance diagram for which there is a written format is also shown on the Dance Instructions A-Z Dance Cribs page for that dance; those dance diagrams for which there is no written form for that dance appear only on the Crib Diagrams page. Cribs consist of two main parts: WELCOME TO An Entertainment Site for Scottish Country Dancers - Enjoy the curated selection of theme-related dances for celebrations and holidays, or find a dance associated with a special calendar day, or EVEN your own birthday! Email us to sign up. 67000 Strasbourg. "4 Dances devised by Peter Marshall" & "Alderley & District Note that the italics used throughout the rest of this site (to denote pages of the same name) are not used on the dance instruction pages. in MiniCrib) means that 1stCouple are Below 2ndCouple and that 3rdCouple are Below 4thCouple; it also means that 4thCouple perform Half rights and lefts with 3rdCouple at the same time as 2ndCouple with 1stCouple. Types Of Sets describes the formats of The set in Scottish Country Dancing, the numbers of Scottish Country Dancers required for each format and Room capacity (the number of Dancers who can be accommodated in a given space). Fun with diagrams (Not signed in) Sign in Create new account Database News Credits Volunteering Contact Us Look up Scottish Country Dance cribs, create lists of cribs, display and print cribs. /FormType 1 Scottish Dances YouTube Videos links to an alphabetical list of those freely-available videos of Scottish Country Dances which have sufficient educational merit to warrant inclusion; regrettably, there is a video for less than half of those dances which are indexed under Dance Instructions A-Z Dance Cribs though, fortunately, the number of available videos and their quality are both increasing. Resources is primarily concerned with links to and from this site. Go to the Downloads for Windows/Word MiniCrib, Mobile SCD Cribs app for Android or Apple iOS, MiniCribs are also Also, a comprehensive dictionary of dance terms. Also known as My Strathspey, this database contains an extensive dance database, formations, devisor info, publications, music info, minicribs, videos, and Pillings diagrams, and tools for curating and creating dance programs and crib sheets. By the 15th century it was banned from church . It brings If you notice anything that is wrong or looks fishy, please notify the 24 Jun 2023. If you would like to see aScottish Country "Danceof the Day" practically every day along with an associated recipe or bit of history, please like our facebook pageat: Use the form below to contact Scottish Country Dance of the Day with questions, issues with the site, contributions, or just to say hello. JCs ABC Tune Finder. the body containing a description of one Repeat of the dance. So you're looking for a particular dance description or video of a dance, either for reference or to learn and practice for an upcoming dance or ball program? Typically, these reduce the size of the instructions by a factor of four or more, so that a whole programme can be printed on two A4 sheets. A curated set of specially collected dances from the 1960's/70's that were not officially published - permission from devisors to display online. Microsoft Word template for Windows PC or Windows laptop. 12A Boulevard Jean-Sbastien Bach, Your first class is half price (3 in Cash) Welcome to the RSCDS Manchester Branch website. MiniCrib uses the term Reflection reels whereas MaxiCrib uses Mirror reels; For published dances, locate the publication in one of the larger Online Bookstores for Scottish Country Dances. Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary. ongoing effort. Back to the top of this 'Dance Crib AToZ' page. The function of each button is described below in the order in which it appears on the navigation bar. In some dance descriptions, notably MiniCrib, Hornpipes are not differentiated from Reels. This database aims to be a comprehensive resource for Scottish country dancers, dance teachers, and musicians. It contains two main elements: SC 016085 Company No SC 480530 Over 5000 catalogued dances from A - Z along with mini cribs, videos and Pillings diagrams. For example: Please send enquiries about advertising to Ccile Hascot: Editor Jimmie Hill Editorial Team Caroline Brockbank, Helen McGinley and Jean Martin. Videos - for seeing the dance performed - either live or animations, Here are the following differing formats for the same dance - "Neidpath Castle.". MiniCrib also uses obvious abbreviations such as: RSh for right shoulder, LH for left hands, R&L for Rights and lefts, Adv+Ret for advance and retire, 213 for the finishing order 2ndCouple Above 1stCouple Above 3rdCouple and BtoB for back to back. return please leave theMINICRIBfootnote Prolific devisor John Drewry - a collection, courtesy of RSCDS Leeds, some leaflet dance descriptions, Search for a dance on youtube with "Scottish Country Dance ", A collection of minicribs that you can generate using a downloadable program - for PC users with some Mac support, Archived dances and diagrams from past editions of the F.L. Information about Scottish country dancing: its, Frequently asked questions (and answers) about the. Dance Instructions A-Z Dance Cribs which provides succinct descriptions of over 6000 Scottish Country Dances in a form readily accessible to the preparer of a dance programme; SC 480530 12 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AF GET INVOLVED Ready. /Im0 130 0 R The membership fee is 80 a year, or 30 per term if you wish to try out the class for 3 months. Using a notation already in existence, a collection of dance diagrams published in 1955 by F.L. The Abbot of Unreason. the dance has appeared on one of our own society's programmes; /Type /XObject to Downloads, NEWMiniCrib Visit Scottish Country Dance of the Day! Alphabetical List Of Index Pages For All Scottish Country Dancing Instructions: AToZ. This Events Diary for Scottish country dancers provides information on dances across the country. B aOo+f}4Je;R5xQwAorPtH*"v^mw;ad2=\!w>8ncc,| |~59uW.C[;bHU$anWHSey`g"c$L52l02G. Although some dancers rate these the clearest to understand (including the author of this site who added over 100 newer dances to his early edition in the 1970s), many find the combination of diagrams and specialized abbreviations too daunting. Comprehensive DICTIONARY Of Dance Terms links to an alphabetical list with a page for every technical Scottish Country Dancing term defined. available on on 2 useful websites: qGJ>b&j`Pi:&)^#h&[Zasi=qyHh(t8 afK8U /KO`y{JX27TX5)s{|F5hDeOO?=C|jtZh;weBB/BEaFH+LG#L3d@q=*,FbSU M9r_6! Home of The Scottish Dance in Art Gallery , (descriptions, mini-cribs, diagrams, videos), Most social dances and balls will provide a preview list of dances on a program, often with an accompanying "cheat sheet" or "crib notes" in the form of Scottish Country Dance, Most beginners appreciate the English language, More experienced dancers or dancers generally already familiar with a dance may prefer the, There are several places to hunt down a dance and find it in different. scottish country dance database The purpose of this database is to provide a comprehensive resource for Scottish country dancers, dance teachers, and musicians. There are several places to hunt down a dance and find it in different formats. Where appropriate, a link is also provided here to the Terms Diagram showing the conventions applicable to this type of Terms Diagram. Alternatively, if you know that the term is related to one of the main links on the side navigation bar, choose that link. It brings together information on Scottish country dances, formations, musical recordings, Scottish country dance tunes, and the people behind all of those - all conveniently linked together for easy perusal. as Open Office or LibreOffice) the MiniCrib template will not work BUT Quick tempo, Reels, Jigs, Hornpipes, Strathspeys, Medleys and Ceilidh dances. /ColorSpace << When in doubt about a particular /CS2 124 0 R The relevant part of the Site Map is shown at the bottom of each page with links to every page at the same logical level (except where it would duplicate the side navigation bar) and to every logically associated page at the next lower level, if any. In both MiniCrib and MaxiCrib, the order of the Dancers at the beginning or end of a Figure is shown starting from the Top of a Lengthwise Set working Downwards and clockwise in a Square, or Triangular Set, For example, in bars 9-12 of The Plantation Reel, "2s1s4s3s half rights and lefts" in MaxiCrib ("2s+1s and 4s+3s . Over many years, Keith Rose has been quietly creating Pilling-style diagrams in machine-readable form, now covering over 5000 dances; he also provides new and updated diagrams as these become available. Scottish Country Dancing Database Also known as My Strathspey, this database contains an extensive dance database, formations, devisor info, publications, music info, minicribs, videos, and Pillings diagrams, and tools for curating and creating dance programs and crib sheets Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary List of Scottish country dances There are more than 15,000 documented Scottish country dances; only the most frequently danced or otherwise notable ones are listed here. Please contact us for any further information. volunteers to help Perversely, some popular dances have so many videos that they spill onto one or more supplementary . To the purists, Scottish country is dignified, courtly dancing, which adheres strictly to the correct patterns and steps. Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. You can add dances to it by using the "Add to List" button on a dance's detail page, or edit it by selecting "Edit List" on the list's detail page. This is the simplest way to find the explanation of a Scottish Country Dancing term. /CS1 123 0 R Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS): Manchester Branch Welcome ANNOUNCEMENT: New Beginners Classes Starting 10th January 2023. book / leaflet / or website form.We advise that MiniCrib users check the MiniCrib website Try appealing to individuals. If you can identify the dance devisor, try contacting them through the contact information in the online databases or querying their home branch or dance organization at their respective websites or social media hubs. These four items have their conventional significance. The first two lessons are free! The only equipment you require is a pair of light, preferably flat, dance shoes (no outdoor shoes), a bottle of water and ideally a sense of rhythm! Tel: +44 (0)131 225 3854 Fax: +44 (0) 225 7783 . Dance Instructions A-Z Dance Cribs; Crib Diagrams; Scottish Dances YouTube Videos; Ceilidh Dances; Children's Dances; Dance Devisers; RSCDS Books; Alternative Dance Selections. Timing covers the number of bars allocated to each Figure, the Phrasing of Figures to suit the distance to be traversed and Covering. Correction/Addition button that is part of every data page. Try the other repositories in the ONLINE RESOURCES above. They are in no way logically different but it can be helpful to those learning Scottish Country Dancing to know that mastering these is of secondary priority because they occur much less frequently. The heading material contains: - Transfer a list directly to another device using the "Transfer list to another device" menu option. Dance Scottish! The Floozie In The Jacuzzi has examples of all of the forms of information available in these dance instruction pages (apart from the deviser's original instructions). Then, via the link at the bottom of the page, to Positions and on to the desired page. Terms of Use. It is important to recognize the debt owed by the Scottish Country Dancing community to Charles Upton. perusal. Over time, particular styles evolved, and many geographical areas of Scotland have their own unique dance variations. 1s means 1stCouple (but note that some compilers use 1C instead while some others use 1C to represent First corners); and East Anglian Centenary Ball. While this format was only available in hardcopy form, the usefulness of an edition inevitably diminished as new dances became popular. If the dance is listed in the Scottish Country Dance Database but there is no current dance description, use any of the following to search further: devisor name (or RSCDS branch information). Most beginners appreciate the English language Dance Description format or Mini Cribs along with watching aDance Video. A resource for sharing Scottish Country Dances This site is intended to be a blog for testing and receiving feedback on Scottish Country Dances. Dances Formations People Publications Albums Recordings Tunes Dance Lists Videos Rating Extra Complex Dance Search Complex Recording Search My Collections (sign in to use) My Dance Lists (sign in to use) No active dance list Jig or Reel? Caledonian 50th Anniversary" No special costume is required - you don't need to have a kilt! All teachers of the Blair Scottish Country Dancers have undergone teacher certification programs with the RSCDS. behind all of those all conveniently linked together for easy Eric Ferguson and Charles You can contact us by email at (remove NOSPAM from the email address) and find more information on our facebook page. (click to visit or scroll down for more information). Set. Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. The RSCDS has always stressed the importance of the social nature of the dance form but it is equally concerned with upholding the standards of correct dancing technique. of cribs, display and print cribs.MiniCrib dance descriptions (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How To Use This Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary. SC 016085 Company No. This section is intended as supplementary material to those learning Scottish Country Dance Footwork from a qualified teacher. This Scottish Country Dancing (SCD) website is intended as a reference to the traditional dancing of Scotland. Written material on Scottish dance dates back to the 1700s. This page also contains an explanation of the format of these dance instruction pages. It is not intended to cover International, Scottish, Round, Line or Ballroom Dance, though a fewexamples of those may have crept in. We also hold garden dances during the summer. endstream R1 (AhfuEhU7apB%Cw<2 QLwqldz1dqQhZA!kN6|TPbr pUq{{%hB>n#4NE&uW_Go)`W>lO7q-fRe(/~zZ>t4. It brings together information on Scottish country dances, formations, musical recordings, Scottish country dance tunes, and the people behind all of those - all conveniently linked together for easy perusal. Your local club for Scottish Country Dancing in Tadley, and the surrounding villages; affiliated to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society. email us at Many of the special functions and features are duplicated amongst these wonderful sites. The database builds on the efforts of many people. MiniCrib recaps are intended to be BRIEF, Dances are marked with the music and dance styles used: R832 3C/4 means a Reel of 32 bars repeated 8 times for 3 couples in a set of 4 couples in a longwise set. the detailed instructions carefully written and tested by x3T0 BC]=Ce`Ueg```dGbC$& In MiniCrib, nC, where n is a number, means that the Repeat requires n Couples; (4C set) means that the 2 or 3Couple Repeat is performed in a 4Couple Set. Need a dance suggestion for an upcoming holiday or Burns Night? Music for Scottish Country Dances gives an introduction to the musical structure necessary for the various formats. Y[d HI}=:e=p1`!|XymH6RB+f-i|3sO[tpBJx"4crR~GHT:|=UmR-FX Z4^&a9 A further link, Explanation of this diagram, leads to the principal page on which the Terms Diagram appears in context; hovering over the link shows the name of that page. The database builds on the efforts of many people. July 2017 . version?Happy Dancing!The Scottish country dances are categorised as reels (including hornpipes ), jigs, and strathspeys according to the type of music to which they are danced. Overview. Scottish Country Dances . Introduction to Scottish Country Dancing 10 September 2022. This Home Page is primarily concerned with how to use the website. Email: Web: Registered Scottish Charity No. /CS0 122 0 R The purpose of thisdatabase is to provide a comprehensive resource for Scottish country dancers, dance teachers, and musicians. During the course of an evening the sets and partners change, enabling you to meet and dance with many other people. Did you enjoy this site? prepared from the 'MiniCrib' database Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec, The majority of dance descriptions referenced on this site have beentaken from the, Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary orthe. Ceilidh Dances and Children's Dances list, with links, those dances which are deemed more suitable for these groups. Evening dances tend to be a little more formal. Youll find the answer here! Four couples dance together in a 'set', to Scottish reels, jigs, hornpipes and strathspeys. See here for further Then, sometimes via an intermediate link, find the exact term you seek. it is referenced within this website as an example of the use of a Scottish Country Dancing term. The novel is one of the best-known . informed about new MiniCrib releases. A country dance is any of a very large number of social dances of a type that originated in the British Isles; it is the repeated execution of a predefined sequence of figures, carefully designed to fit a fixed length of music, performed by a group of people, usually in couples, in one or more sets. Set Structure is concerned with the "geography" of the various formats of The set and "navigation" within and around it. Traditionally, publications of the Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society (RSCDS, the Scottish Country Dancing key authority) used the terms Progressions for those Figures which interchange the Places of two adjacent Couples in a Longwise set and Formations for those which do not." {Jv~O+[H|;REA39`y{DUBwww"F& A useful set of instructional videos by the In spite of tireless efforts to the contrary, the database Animated figures illustrate Scottish Country Dances. musical recordings, Scottish country dance tunes, and the people 2023. 15 Jul 2023. Comprehensive DICTIONARY Of Dance Terms which provides detailed definitions of the formal terms used in those instructions and by Scottish Country Dancers and teachers. organise, improve, and correct the data an Alternative Dance Selections lists dances with the rarer combinations of Types Of Dance and Types Of Sets such as Medleys in Longwise sets and 5 couple square set dances. stream here. Contents 1 Select Courses 1.1 Courses 2 WUaS Idea- and Academic Resources 2.1 Ideas 2.2 Publish my article in a WUaS academic journal in this subject 2.3 Select Bibliographies 2.4 Select Blogs 2.5 Select Book Groups, Study Groups, Musical Groups, etc. 13 May 2023. Video collection 1 Online Bookstores for Scottish Country Dances. Contact, Translate This Site and Privacy Policy appear on the navigation bar of this SCDD Home Page, only. * New * - 5 dances The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total. The various types of Square set and the Triangular set are covered under Circular sets along with those rarer associated forms for fixed numbers of Dancers. Dance Devisers lists the dances of the more prolific devisers and RSCDS Books lists the dances collected in those publications. Police have given an update on the stabbing of a man in Chester. Home. Did you enjoy this site? Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec. Grand Chainis a Scottish dance resource site based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Dont remember how a dance works? Over the years, many RSCDS branches and affiliated societies have prepared their own local formats of dance instructions suitable for distribution along with the ticket for their Balls and other open events. They are also the building blocks from which the more Complex figures are constructed. Rarely does one encounter a dance that is not included; until his well-earned retirement in December 2013, he welcomed details for inclusion in his regular update of the complete database as now do his successors. The Short Answer: Social dancing style first popular in Scotland during the 18th century and then revived by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society during the 1920s. General Information Originally devised by Charles Upton of Deeside Caledonian Society, Wirral, UK and now maintained by a small group of friends (The MiniCrib Team), MINICRIB is an easy to use "database" of brief notes (cribs) covering over 4,600 Scottish Country Dances which enables "Cribsheets" to be quickly produced for most dance programs. and Peter Hastings pioneered the idea of indexing Scottish When a deviser has given specific information concerning the dance name, as for example in Jean Attwood's Lady Sophia Lindsay, this is included. For example, if you seek Corner positions, go to Set structure. Hand Positions (and other niceties) covers the various ways in which hands are joined (Holds or Grips) and includes some other matters of SCD etiquette (Eye contact, Bow and curtsey and Precedence). While all descriptions of Scottish Country Dances are intended to tell the reader how the dance is to be performed, various different forms exist, depending upon their intended use. The Strasbourg Scottish Country Dancers are pleased to invite you to an introduction to Scottish Country Dancing from 14h30 to 17h30 on Saturday 10 September 2022 at the Foyer St Arbogast, 10 rue des Merovingiens, 67200 STRASBOURG. 50 new cribs added this month.See Changes or go endobj Therefore MiniCrib recaps can never replace /Resources << Foot positions; Usage of steps; Steps for jigs, reels and hornpipes which has detailed descriptions and diagrams in the lower level links: Slip step, Skip change, Pas-de-basque and Step up (or down); Steps for strathspeys which has detailed descriptions and diagrams in the lower level links: Strathspey travelling step, Strathspey setting step, Highland Schottische setting step and Step up (or down) in strathspeys; Fitting the steps to the music and Other steps. We will always respect your email privacy. from time to time and always download and use the latest The Scottish Country Dance Database (SCDDB), which lists over 17,500 dances, has cribs and diagrams for many of the more popular dances, and links to videos for a growing number of. Pillings and by many other dedicated community members over the years. don't include personal items like dance lists and collections) It includes advice, applicable when all the more straightforward options have been exhausted, on using Google Custom Search or FreeFind to search for text specified by you. MiniCrib dance descriptions are available in several formats: Microsoft Word template for Windows PC or Windows laptop For Gaelic names, a translation and a guide to pronunciation is provided wherever possible; general detail on pronunciation is supplied in Gaelic Dance Names. classes & socials. Following are some of the most well-known online sources for finding lots of Scottish Country Dances plus other useful information. Classes are in English with French explanations if needed. country dances and music. We will always respect your email privacy. For any further information, please contact the group by e-mail at (remove NOSPAM from the email address). Note that all of the links listed above are found on the navigation bar of every page. Advanced dancers can join at any point throughout the year and were always happy to welcome visiting dancers. The Diary is dependent on organisers sending information. Snapshots of dance descriptions are provided as an overview only. Beginners are welcome to join classes every September. /GS0 125 0 R Please download daily Last updated on Aug 25, 2022 1 min read. WELCOME TO An Entertainment Site for Scottish Country Dancers - Enjoy the curated selection of theme-related dances for celebrations and holidays, or find a dance associated with a special calendar day, or EVEN your own birthday! Temporary Bishops and Archbishops of Fools play-acted, reveled, and created mischief. << Glendarroch Scottish Country Dance Club. MiniCrib Update NotificationYou can subscribe to our email notification service to keep you You are interested in SCD list of the dance Welcome visiting dancers this section is intended to cover English Traditional/Ceilidh. Are RSCDS Branches worldwide where you can find scottish country dance database class, click here email notification service to keep are! Suggestion for an upcoming holiday or Burns Night, a link is also provided here to the of. Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec. Grand Chainis a Scottish Country dances gives an to. Then discover that the definition refers to a closely associated term resource for Scottish dancers! 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scottish country dance database

scottish country dance database